GPR Scanning
MARK IT™Locates Inc. uses GPR technology. This non-destructive testing technique allows you to inspect the interior of concrete structures before one drills, cuts, or cores without requiring the evacuation of personnel.
GPR scanning is also used to:
Measure Slab Thickness
Determine and record the slab thickness for both slab on grade and suspended - determine rebar depth to measure concrete cover in slabs, beams, and columns.
Locate Conduit
Map plastic and metal conduits to avoid damage when drilling, cutting, or coring through concrete.
Locate Rebar
Map rebar spacing and depth in concrete, including slab-on-grade with multiple layers of rebar/other embedded elements.
Locate Post-tension Cables
Map post-tension cables with precision to avoid damage when drilling, cutting, or coring through post-tensioned concrete.
Map Underground Utilities
Locate buried utilities, detect metals, plastics, and fiber optics to eliminate unnecessary digging and accidental damages.
Locate Voids
Locate voids under concrete structures, behind walls, in tunnels, etc.
Locate USTs
Find outer limits of underground storage tanks.